Highland to Holyrood - it's just the start of our campaign

The train journey to Stonehaven was relaxing after the initial upset and stress. And it was nice to see the train well used.  Enjoyed watching the countryside whizzing by quietly. Imagine more train journeys like that, local trains back in action, a guard's van for bikes and other big stuff, friendly and helpful conductors like our conductor yesterday. Who would want to travel by car?
We arrived in Stonehaven as the haar was burning off. Scott met us by bike, and we had ice cream
and lunch by the beach,  and Olly and Freya exerted their right to play before we tackled the climb out of Stonehaven and back to Muchalls. A fitting end to our journey,  and back to our electric car for the journey back to the Highlands.

Highland to Holyrood is not just a week long 315 km bike journey to take a message to the Scottish Parliament. It's an ongoing message from some very concerned people in the Highlands to the people making important decisions that affect the environment and our children's future. I've set up a Twitter account at Highland2Holyrood@H_2_Holyrood and will be posting ongoing updates there. The Inverness Courier are going to write a follow up article on our journey, and I'm going to be following up the bikes on trains problems. The children will probably be presenting their journey at school, and I'll be continuing to support them in their journey to help protect their future and the future of our planet. 



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